
John with a dark back country snookSnook is the grand prize of Southwest Florida fishing. Fun to find, delicious to eat! Snook are so popular, they are heavily regulated to prevent overfishing. But not to worry, we can still have a great time fishing for Snook and you get take 1 home per angler for dinner!

Closed Season: Dec. 1-end of February; May 1-Aug. 31
Length: Not less than 28″  total length (TL) or more than 33″ TL
Keep: 1 per harvester per day
Method: Hook and line only

Click to view Snook Fishing Workshop Presentation

Click to view Snook Fishing Workshop Presentation

Snook in Depth

Capt. McNichols teaches classes on specific fish species. This presentation is from his workshop on Snook Fishing in Southwest Florida.

Fish & Wildlife Commission Page

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